Sims 2 Legacy Challenge

Dear simmers, I am putting myself through a legacy challenge. This is the first chapter. Apologies for the AWFUL writing and lack of pictures, my brother deleted half the pictures. Cheers Bro.

This is the founder, India Engle. She is a family aspiration, with points: 6,4,5,4,6. Her pale skin is what needs to be continued in this Legacy. Apologies for the rubbish pictures and text. I can’t write to save my life. And my brother deleted half the pictures. Cheers bro.


The first thing she does is complain about her doors. We’ve got a grateful one over here then… I have this glitch with my walls, they flash red and black. And sometimes, the grass glows purple and black. It’s so annoying, but nyaa.


What sort of ‘Meal’ is that India? Now go outside and find a man AND a job. “No.” Lovely. She’s polite AND grateful.


Thank you! She got a job in the Medical career to get those simoleans rolling in. “All you have to do now, is to find a man, and have that heir!” “What? You mean I have to get pregnant?!” “No, no, just have a baby.” “Oh, That’s ok..” She’s grateful, polite and highly intelligent too I see.

Ugh. Benny Longnose. A.K.A Benjamin Long. He’s the only dude that showed up. “Your kidding right?” “No. Get friendly already, and get pregnant, oh and marry him while your at it.”


Well, SOMEBODY deleted my pictures, so this is AFTER they’ve married, India Engle is now India Long, and is pregnant with their first child. If s/he has the pale skin, they can carry on the Legacy, If not, they must have another potential heir, and so on.


Baby bump number 2! I missed it by literally 3 seconds.  Do pink rings mean anything? If it’s twins, an heir vote will be held. If only one of them has pale skin, then they shall be the heir.


And here is the labour! At 18:23 on Thursday, a child was born….


Annabelle Long. Mothers Pale Skin, Mothers Black hair, Mothers eyes. She’s a mini-mummy!


I leave you here! Any feedback is most welcome. Because I can’t write to save my life. :l


    • Maer aka Lavvie Jones.
    • February 2nd, 2012

    I like the idea of needing the pale skin to continue.

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